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Software Freedom Day - Muenchen/Munich

Info For Organisers
Info für Organisatoren


Referenced by Munich SFD mail lists sfd@ Mail List
sfd-org@ Mail List (join before posting).
  • To write to sfd-org@ organisers list, you must first join sfd-announce@ Mail List (with the exact same address as you will send from).
    Temporarily sfd-announce@ people cannnot write to sfd-org@
  • To read sfd-org@ organisers list, you must Join sfd-org@
  • Those not on sfd-org@ can not write to sfd-announce@.
  • All organisers should join both sfd-org@ & sfd-announce@.


  • Einladung zum denken: Was brauchen wir SFD insgesamt ?, Was koennte ich/dir/sie tun ?. Am besten warten nicht bis sie sind gefragt, aber melden sie sich freiwillig "Ich koennte XYZ tun/ anbieten"

    Whatever other work you think needed/ a good idea to add. If you don't know what we might need/ do, join international lists & get ideas) Muenchen will be a month later than rest of world so we have a great opportunity to learn from others.

  • Recruit more lecturers,
  • Recruit audiences, (debate strategy, contacts)
  • Organising & preparing lectures,
  • Organising/ recruiting demos & installs,
  • Name Labels for all organisers, lecturers, installers etc.
  • Leaflets: selecting / composing /editing which leaflets to print. Sources could include eg: deciding how many leaflet, finding sponsors,
  • Creating posters, publicity,
  • Recruiting with other Muenchner source groups, to recruit lecturers, organisers, visitors & spread the word further.
  • Recruit more media from other groups If people don't want to lose money on media cost, get them to bring own CDROMs & provide to public in exchange for cost of beer/coffee or so.
  • Web additions:
    • If you volunteer to do some work, & want to document it on some web page wherever: author will happily link to it from here, Alternatively author can provide a login to upload, ( No, this is not an offer of root or lord knows what superfluous tools. To achieve even a bilingual 2 language column style is trivially easy & needs No extra software installed.)
  • Translations / Uebersetzungen

Mail Archive

Only available to organisers on list.
(Useful for new organisers to catch up on previous mail, & any organiser that might lose their personal copy of old mail).

Promotional [Mail] List Threads

Free Promotional Items

~ 210 Cities globally (inc. ours) with teams registered in time with have been sent free event promotional kits inc. T shirts, banners, balloons & CDROMs (Ubuntu & BSD) etc.

Diary 2011 (See other page for 2010)

  • Noted in case of use for reference in eg 2012
  • Sun, 19 Jun 2011 Organisers had a 1st meeting Tues 28th June 2011, Anika K (Notes), Julian St., Michael Sc. (Convener), Nils M, Richard A,.
  • Olaf R. will meet other groups Friday 1st July.
  • July/August: Julian updated SFD-I, initiated BSD media for SFD-I, applied for CDs.
  • August 23: Wolfgang got us big lecture room[s]
  • August 26: Julian received CDROMs
  • August 30: Julian received Team Pack, Split all in 3 for redundant/ security & read in & indexed DVDs
  • September 8 SFI produced a Certificate that can be presented to local organisers
  • September 11: Olaf "Ich klinke mich aus."
  • September 11: Started Blog list
  • 2011-09-12 SFD brief promo. by Julian & Wolfgang after a Sage-MUC lecture by Michael. Bernhard also there.
  • Top Page for links to other sites

Blogs of (Munich) SFD Organisers

(Where blogs may, or may not, later appear re SFD)

Dates / Termin - Selection/ Wahl (for Ref in 2012)

  • 2011: October 22, Not September in Munich !
  • Why we will not use the world date of third Saturday in September:
    • That 3rd Sat in Sept was presumably chosen by SFI when SFD started, & probably works well enough for much of the world; SFD/Munich used it in 2010 at short notice, but it's far from optimal for München. (A few other cities globaly also use a different SFD date, (see SFD mail list archive)
    • 2011-06-28, Tuesday:. The München/Munich organisers decided to slip the date
    • 2011-09-12, Monday: After a Sage-MUC lecture, we declared the date for SFD Muenchen/Munich as 22nd Oct.
    • Munich City hosts the Ocktober- Fest 17th Sept. to 3rd Oct
      • Millions (literally) of international & local visitors traffic jams, crowded public transport, booked out hotels etc,
      • Some SFD lecturers like to go to Ocktober- Fest, &/or watch opening day parade; some get asked by employers to entertain business visitors at Ocktober- Fest.
    • Delaying the date allows time for [new] university students [back] in town.
    • September, many people are still out of Munich on holiday, or not back long enough to have free time to help plan ahead, organise or attend.
    • It's usually the last of the good weather until about a week after Ocktober- Fest, & some prefer last walks in mountains/ beer gardens/ lakes/ cycling for last weekend, in preference to a hot lecture theatre - The rains will come soon enough!

    To help us choose a date for 2011, (& to make it easier to refer back to next year), here's our list of known dates of other concurrent events on Saturdays in Oktober,

    Bitte an ihrer { persoenliche, berufliche, veriens, universitaeten & muenchner allgemenine } kalendars schauen & sug uns Bescheid
    Please all check your various diaries & let us know.

    1 Samstag Major conflict. Some of our lecturers have to entertain customers etc. to Monday 3rd Oct. (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)
    4 Dienstag
    17 Montag
      Die Stadt München weiß das: Je nach Hochschule in diesem Jahr also 4.10. oder 17.10. Da sollte es Ende Oktober nicht so besonders viele Parties geben. Die meistens sowieso während der Woche sind und nicht an einem Wochenende.
    8 Samstag Not significant, too far away for most, except potentially an odd BSD lecturer. Oct 6-9 Netherlands
    8 Samstag Conflict? - might attract students elsewhere ? Do/Fr/Sa 6.-8. Oktober 2011 Berufsorientierungsmesse "Berufsfit 2011" auf dem Flughafen München Info from mail list DglrMucInfo%bg-muc@gmx. net
    15 Samstag Conflict? - might attract some elsewhere ?
    15 Samstag Conflict? - might attract some elsewhere ? TU München in Garching "Tag der offenen Tür im Forschungszentrum Garching" mit Akaflieg, WARR, usw.
    22 Samstag Chosen Main Date Available:Julian S., Wolfgang S., Anika K, ... ?
    Not Available: ... ?
    22 Samstag 22-25 Muenchner Wissenschaftstage (11.) We discovered this clash in 2011 only weeks after we'd fixed SFD date.
    29 Samstag Suggested Fallback Alternate Date Available:Julian S., Wolfgang S., ... ?
    Not Available: ... ?
    Summer time ends that night (Sun probably. 03:00)

    Other resources & events checked & that do not conflict:

    To Check
    • Any Linux or Solaris, etc meetings/ conferences dates best avoided ? Muenchen, Augsburg usw ?
    • Good or bad dates re. attracting students from universities ?
    • Autobahn any particular bad days for traffic jams ?
    • Any School holidays when parents encumbered by kids not free to come ?
    • Technical Museum or airport etc open days etc ?

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System