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[BSD Daemon]

  FreeBSD & XFree86 & X-Windows on Toshiba Librettos

Proud to be 100% Microsoft FREE
FreeBSD-4.11 & FreeBSD-4.10 & XFree86-4.3.0 on 50CT & 70CT, FreeBSD-3.0 on 100, FreeBSD-8.3 on 70 CT + A newer Freebsd not yet tried on 110 CT

2004.10 -2012.08 by Julian H. Stacey of logo




Page Sections

Good bye to Microsoft

The 70CT runs Microsoft Windows 95, but not 98 or XP (said previous owner of my Libretto).
Amusing as a decade on it still runs the newest FreeBSD !

My original Microsoft Windows 95 floppy set + Toshiba disks that came with my Libretto 70CT are for sale.

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See Also

(Unix manuals end with a "See Also" section, but as you'r probably in a search for a different Toshiba model than mine, Here's references to others first.

Log & Config Files

Installing Different FreeBSD Versions

Before You Erase Microsoft

(If Win95 is till bootable & hasn't been erased already) it may be worth going into Toshiba HDSetup.exe to set BIOS, parallel port to ECP (as I did).

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FreeBSD-4.10 installs OK


I have installed 4.10 with both PLIP on parallel port (+ port extender) & ethernet ftp (on a pcmcia) as alternate methods. To both a 50CT & a 70CT.

I haven't tried a cdrom (via pcmcia adapter) yet. As back then I had not yet learnt why ethernet was sticky (no longer),

I installed a minimal version, Booted multi user, Ether was still intermittent. Installing all packages at 20 to 50 K byte/sec over parallel
NOTE After one selects "All" one must deselect/ delete the base essential binary distribution from the list to install, else you wipe passwords, inetd.conf etc !
NOTE when you start ftping all the packages & personal data in parallel jobs across the PLIP connection, it really impacts performance of whichever host is supporting the other end of the PLIP for many hours, so select your PLIP gateway with care.

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Sticky Ethernet (no longer)

Ethernet was sticky (no longer):
(Install hung after ~ 10 Meg (at 1 Kbyte /sec !) .10 The ftp through ep0 ethernet chugged along at 1 K byte / sec ! & expired half way through load of /bin )
(Note added 2024-01-25:)Maybe it wan't even the PCMCIA ethernet itself, might have been a duff hub or switch between libretto & my ftp server. I previously had a diff 10 Mbit/s hub, & more recently (Jan 2024) [temporarily] took all 3 of my 1 Gbit switches (8 port black from bought a few years back) out of service, cos too many had gone intermittent or died, I suspect maybe bad power, but the elcos are not bulging on the cross, though voltages seems suspicously low - I havent yet read chip numbers & searched web to see what voltage they should run at).

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Probably irq 5 that ep0 takes by default is also used by (unseen by a FreeBSD-4.10 generic kernel dmesg) internal sound (or other) electronics.
As the Toshiba floppy set includes a Yamaha sound driver, this seems likely
I fixed this later, multi user by adding "-i 11" to pccardd_flags in /etc/rc.conf (remember not to also add the -z that comes from /etc/defaults/rc.conf ), ( Ruben de Groot confirmed 2004.11.05 this fix works for his Libretto too.)
I then decided it was better to fix it in /etc/pccard.conf (to automatically inherit whatever other -z type defaults might come in future versions of FreeBSD).
Now knowing it's necessary to avoid IRQ 5, it's probably possible to avoid the PLIP install route, & install straight from ep0.

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FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE kernel runs OK in Aug 2012. on my Libretto 70CT

I have the libretto up running 8.3 kernel + (first 4.11 then 8.2) commands, multi user, mouse work keyboard works. X-Windows works . See how here: boot/device.hints I just I havent had time to figure how to tell it to recognise my pccard ethernet yet. Anyone knows that please contact me.

FreeBSD-5.2.1-RELEASE on my Libretto 70CT hangs quickly after first floppy

after trying to fetch modules off floppy with "No floppy devices found".
"M. Warner Losh" wrote freebsd-current@
That's because there's no working support in current/5.x for the YE-Data pcmcia cards. It still works in 4.x, but not 5.x, alas. I've done some work to make it happy, but it still isn't happy with that work. The first problem is the fast interrupt, but even with that fixed there's been enough changes in the floppy driver to make it no longer work.

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FreeBSD-5.3-RC-1 on my Libretto 70CT failed but gets further than 5.2.1

it loads Boot, Kern1, Kern2, then Boot, goes through Fdisk & disklabel, then (as there's only 1 pcmcia slot, & I cant even with a device rescan get it to see an ethernet pcmcia or pcmcia cdrom card) ... I try to do ftp install, using PLIP or SLIP ... & find it doesn't see either of the 2 serials (one is mouse) or the parallel port, as well as not recognising the fresh plugged in & rescanned 3C589C pcmcia ethernet (that works well on other FreeBSD boxes)
"M. Warner Losh" wrote freebsd-current@
That's because the L-50 and L-70 machines have only ISA PCMCIA bridges, and that's not yet completely working. I'll try to fix this as I have at least one older laptop that I'd like to see working that needs this.

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See Also: FreeBSD (& now NetBSD) Laptops - Install Tricks & Release Status

FreeBSD-3.0 on a Libretto 100

"Michael Samer No X for that chip set at the time. but his ether 3C589D is perfectly supported by default FreeBSD-3.0.

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Libretto 110 CT

Owner: Julian

Libretto 100

Sam van Ratt wrote The L70 and L50 have a C&T 65x Family Chip onboard while I have an Neomagic, which has a very bad VESA implemtentation. I'll surely find a solution for it (sometime)

Libretto 70CT

Owner: Julian
This machine had an upgrade from 16M to 32M of memory, original owner told me.

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Libretto 50

Notes From "Michael Samer"
The libretto (like all Toshiba's) do not really have a full feature BIOS, but a small one: press Escape key while switching on. It sound like it tries to initialise the (big) docking station like I have one, that's why it displays the lib+underside the docking station. I repaired (and modified my Lib100) a lot of librettos, mostly it's not to bad to fix (if it is a hardware problem). I'd try to reset the whole libretto: two batteries are included in the lib: one to unlock under the palm and one inside. if U unlock 5-7 screws in the downside and two (AFAIK) under the keyboard and therefore removing the standby+CMOS battery for a few minutes you should fix all software based errors. The Lib50 to 70 is only the cpu different (p75 to P120). There's no real disk verify tool, but a simple dos tool to change the "BIOS" settings, again press Escape+switch on. everything possible is there too. As mentioned I'd repair it as long it's not the chip set (rarely!) itself. The lib100 still has no hot dock function, and the pci is not buffered.

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Libretto 50CT

Owner: Astrid
This machine apparently was an early model, started life with a Japanese keyboard, now has a german keyboard. Presumably it also had a memory upgrade as it also has 32M like my 70.

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Mine has a UK keyboard - Which moves double quote from where the USA BIOS expects it, so do this
echo "kbdcontrol -l uk.iso < /dev/console" >> /etc/rc.local

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& then there's more to do with .xsession calling xmodmap - sigh !
I hate all these national language variant keyboards !
( As a British citizen, resident in Germany, debugging & configuring machines that invariably start with an American Ascii BIOS, as someone who also developed trilingual American/ German/ Russian keyboard, (where even the numbers move, not just the punctuation & Y & Z) ... I curse the time typewriter marketing people a century ago, & computer people since, developed un-necessarily extensive different layout variations even between English & American (eg " or @ above 2, moving '|' & other punctuation necessary for machine. )

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Disk Size

When I put higher/thicker disk in
IBM Travelstar Model IC25N010ATDA04-0 4200RPM
5V 1.0A DC 10.05GB ATA/IDE
& it was a tight fit, then holding it one handed on underground train caused regular crashes after powering down after leaving train, walking to restaurants, & reboot, with near endless failing intensive Fsck's on the 12G disk, till the battery was exhausted. Problem I think was pressure of left fingers under body on disk.
Mark Murray wrote:

Known problem. Take the cover off and remove the foam tape spacers. Things will be MUCH better after that.

I jhs@ finally removed mine 2012-01-30, what I removed was a 0.13mm black plastic sheet, (with a cut out in corner matching some spring loaded lever), the sheet being glued to aluminium sheet with (mostly blue) foam rubber bits at about 5 places, + some other bits of glue. I removed it by sliding a Long screwdriver down & working the surfaces apart, then scraping the head at 90 degrees to the glue, making sure not got in the IDE disk socket.

Disk Space

On a small slow CT50 you should make your own decision regarding balance between performance & security. You might want eg just a 64M swap, & have the rest of disk as a single large root partition, horrible I agree, but space is _short_. You might want less swap, & to allocate a swap file later if needed. FreeBSD supports this. you might want eg
tunefs -m 3         ad0a
tunefs -m 3         ad0e
tunefs -n enable    ad0a
tunefs -n enable    ad0e
tunefs -o space     ad0a
tunefs -o space     ad0e

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Mine (works with Libretto 70CT under MS & FreeBSD, but not marked as a Toshiba product) reports in dmesg: acd0: CDROM <MATSHITA CR-589> at ata2-master BIOSPIO The drive sounds high speed. Optical Sensitivity: It read a home burnt cdrom. It even read a 700M CD-RW. The Panasonic CR-588 is a 32X CD-RW, as is the CR-589-B It does not seem to write. Probably not a writer.

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Config & Control


Keep pushing Escape repeatedly & letting go, for about 2 or 3 times a second immediately after power up, for about 30 seconds, till it says "Check system. Then press [F1] key." Press F1 & it goes into BIOS.

What Not To Do:

If I hold down either my ESC or F12 continuously (per Satellite) before power up (with FreeBSD resident via FDISK) I get no BIOS, just a loud shriek & a hanging prompt. "Default F1:"

When I ran the battery flat (no APM) while FreeBSD was running, & installed other good battery. it came up into BIOS.

Table of BIOS Settings


My red moulded cable with wording "Interlink Parallel" does not work for PLIP, A yellow cable & a home made cable do.

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libretto-config - /usr/ports/sysutils/libretto-config

Definitely install this ! It enables screen brightness & power management modes.

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After working though every option on libretto-config in parallel, on both my 70 & Astrid's 50, her machine repeatedly, as soon as I pulled the mains power (after being connected for hours & powered up) went into shutdown mode (3 rectangles, middle blue scrolling to right). This leads me to suppose
  • battery doesn't charge when connected & powered up (to save excessive current load on charger circuity - but hard to know if that's computer control or the controller embedded in the battery deciding to charge or not.)
  • Somewhere 32+ Meg of disk was being trashed ! On hers (but not mine) I configured 64M of swap as first entry in disklabel, (which same on both, sits within an fdisk MBR).

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I have 2 Battery modules, Small contains 3 cells, Large contains 6;
Cells (LIon), labelled: "Panasonic Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery CGR17670 Matsushita Electric". Physically 66 mm long, 16 mm diameter.
In the small battery, 2 of the 3 cells were dead. I replaced them with Sony Energytec STG US18650GR G3P, which at 18mm diameter were too big, but just about jam in, (I hadn't realised till too late when already soldering) with the case now held by sellotape, & it just about still inserts into libretto.


dmesg from a Generic kernel shows:
pccardd[49]: Card "Y-E DATA"("External FDD") [Controller] [2.00] matched "Y-E DATA" ("External FDD") [(null)] [(null)]
fdc1: <Y-E Data PCMCIA floppy> at port 0x3a8-0x3af irq 10 slot 0 on pccard0
pccardd[49]: fdc1: Y-E DATA (External FDD) inserted.
This Kernel config change suffices:
  • Generic: device fdc0 at isa? port IO_FD1 irq 6 drq 2
  • Libretto: device fdc0

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Latest Notes

Have allocated last 20+40M as 2 swap. Hoping hibernate will dump into last 40M on disk. Have allocated first 100 to root to allow differential tunefs etc Plan to do similar on mine later Sam van Ratt:
  • Re Libretto 100: NM2093 aka Neomagic 128ZX
  • Re Libretto70ct: no HD DMA support at all.
  • Mouse +keyboard is standard PS/2; PCMCIA is a ToPIC100 chip set,
  • sound should be a Yamaha OPL3-SAx, IrDA (not working in my 100CT) is a SMC
  • FIR 4Mbit.
My 2G disk (Toshiba MK2105 MAT, HDD 2119B DC 5V 0.7A) seems to be about 7.5 mm with 1 or 2 mm free in the libretto slot. I see new (@ 2004.11) Toshiba, Hitachi & Fujitsu disks in a price list as all 9.5 mm.

A Toshiba MK1403MAV HDD2714 (5V 0.7A) of about 11mm (nominal 12 or so ?) does not fit.

Note also screw holes are in different positions, to which the pull lever attaches, though that of itself is not insurmountable I guess, just the disk height). Note also disk is mounted upside down.

  a:   204800        0    4.2BSD     2048 16384    97   
  b:    40960  4118528      swap                       
  c:  4233537        0    unused        0     0         
  e:  3913728   204800    4.2BSD     2048 16384    89   
  f:    74049  4159488      swap                        
/dev/ad0s1a on / (ufs, asynchronous, NFS exported, local)
/dev/ad0s1e on /usr (ufs, NFS exported, local, soft-updates) swapinfo
Device      1K-blocks  Used Avail Capacity Type
/dev/ad0s1b     20352  6656 13696    33%   Interleaved
/dev/ad0s1f     36896  6552 30344    18%   Interleaved
Total           57248 13208 44040    23% (rec. from Mark Murray)

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Mail me them. Preferably in diff -c format against latest web version.

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