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HP Pavilion Entertainment PC dm3-1155ea

PS 2017-11-07 HP Keylogger found, dont know if it affects this model: xxx
  • Page for this PC at 2017-12-11:
  • Reducing Heat Inside the Laptop
  • Same video on you tube doesnt need flash Useless generic
  • open an hp pavilion laptop

    Installing FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE & Other Issues

    This page: ~jhs/ hardware/ hp/ pavilion/ dm3-1155ea

    By Julian H. Stacey November 2011 - January 2012


    My other laptops better link needed

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    Tip: Upgrade BIOS & UEFI before installing BSD

    Notebook runs too hot, so one needs to upgrade the BIOS, So do that Before you install BSD, as you need some MS-Windows to run the BIOS & UEFI etc upgrades from HP (OK maybe you could instead run the multiple .exe on some other MS-Win to extract the USB bootable patches, but probably easiest to patch native on same machine)

    Overheating Problem

    • Overheats during ftp of big images (such as for NTFS Shrinking & during other things too).
    • Fsck: There's just whatever BIOS &/or UEFIsets, while running in FreeBSD single user, before powerd starts, so - catch 22 - if the computer crashed before from overheating, & screwed big file systems, & if {/etc/rc.conf does not contain background_fsck="YES" Or fsck decides file system damage is too serious to fix in background mode }, fsck may run too long, & I, overheat again, & again endlessly (until you comment out FS from /etc/fstab, & fsck after multi user powerd is running).
    • Maybe Manufacturers don't design these notebooks for seriously intensive work ?
    • Why it probably mostly runs cool[er] on MS:
      Of course most MS end user PCs will be mostly in idle ie running at 100 MHz not 1600 MHZ until brief bursts of keyboard initiated work occur, so much less power as most MS users PCs aren't doing much except in immediate response to keyboard, they wont get hot, unless unusually given something CPU intensive, eg film (movie) ripping, or SETI type volunteer background load sharers etc. Only very few MS users would be doing hours of continuous parallel compiles non stop.
      (Remember also when considering power, we're perhaps not just considering a square law factor of doubling frequency quadrupling power, so apart from 16^2, also probably a higher CPU voltage occurs too, perhaps yet more power ? )
      Hours or sometimes days of continuous very intensive work at 100% load are quite normal & frequent for this
      Unix programmer using FreeBSD eg to locally build over 1000 ports/ after new releases, + intensive mirroring etc in parallel, that can mean heat.
    • I raised notebook on blocks put a fan under, then bought quieter commercial equivalents:
      • A platform with slim large fan to blow air under on hot spot, fan is movable.

        Found at HP

        • A newer BIOS
        • Just a .exe to run on MS,
        • No direct bootable USB image for a stick.
        • HP Web at 2103-06-14, offers: { "F28 A" Current released 2010-05-21, & "F.22 A" released 2009-12-22. My notebook is F.27.
          WinFlash Utility for HP Notebook System BIOS (for Notebooks with AMD Processors)
          WinFlash Utility for HP Notebook System BIOS (for Notebooks with AMD Processors) # 2010-05-21 , Version:F28 A, 2.2M
          Local Off Line Copy
          sp48823.exe [1/1, 2.2M]
          Fix/ Enhancement: Improves the system thermal-management method, which enables the notebook to be cooler when running.

          JHS MD5 @ 2013-06-14: 5533db097ddce34dfc6a4dc282a3252f
        • A recoverer tool, just the one, no updates on HP Web at 2013-06-14, Only a .exe to run on MS (no direct USB image so unfortunately one needs MS to extract)
          HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility
          Description: This package provides the HP USB Recovery Flash Disk Utility for the supported notebook/laptop models and operating systems. This utility copies the original factory recovery image from the Recovery Partition to a USB flash disk that can be used to recover the notebook/laptop to its original state.

          Details and specifications

          Local Off Line Copy
          File name: sp45774.exe [1/1, 6.46M]
          System requirements: No additional prerequisites
          Released: 2009-10-22
          Version: 2.00 A
          Fix/ Enhancement: Adds support for new HP Notebook/Laptop models.

          JHS MD5 @ 2013-06-14: 6df44e96f8188acc6e44d7d43493d436
        •   HP Web section: "Diagnostics", Only a .exe to run on MS, (no direct USB image so unfortunately one needs MS to extract)
          sp50286.exe Released: 2010-09-07 Current Version:
          Previous versions are: # # # My version: Unknown. HP System Diagnostics UEFI
          Description: This package provides the HP System Diagnostics Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) for the supported notebook models and operating systems. HP System Diagnostics is a UEFI-based hardware diagnostics program that is used to validate if a system is functional enough to start up the operating system. The diagnostics are accessed during startup by pressing F2 immediately after power on.
          Details and specifications

          <. href="LN/">Local Off Line Copy</.>
          File name: sp50286.exe [1/1, 1.43M]

          - Microsoft .NET 2.0 is required. UEFI and Custom Imaging
          - The HP System Diagnostics must be run from a FAT or FAT32 partition with a volume name of "HP_TOOLS". This installer gives you the option to install to the hard drive (HDD) or to a USB drive. If you install to the HDD and the HP_TOOLS partition is not present, the installer prompts you to create the HP_TOOLS partition. If you install to a USB drive, the installer renames the partition on the USB drive to HP_TOOLS. If you use a custom image, you can create the HP_TOOLS partition manually with type FAT32, and make the volume name HP_TOOLS. CAUTION - The HP_TOOLS partition is not protected and can therefore be deleted. - Backing up the computer by using the Microsoft Windows Vista Complete PC Backup does not back up the HP_TOOLS partition. For these reasons, HP recommends that you do not place additional data on the HP_TOOLS partition. Because the partition is not backed up, corruption or failure of the partition results in loss of all data on the partition, plus loss of UEFI functionality. For more information, visit
          Released: 2010-09-07
          Fix/ Enhancement: - Adds support for new notebook models. - Improves the Battery test by adding additional checks. - Improves the speed of the Memory test.

          JHS MD5 @ 2013-06-14: 983e9824425acfbce2839012a1b52871

        To Consider Doing

        Search for new equivalent of acpi_hp.ko & ASL equivalent binary (or archive that converts to binary) on

        Boot Function Keys:

          -> English -> HP Startup Menu Overview
          "Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)" ... "all notebooks distributed with Windows 7, have the UEFI environment." ... "To determine if your computer has the UEFI environment, press the Power button to start the computer, and then press and hold the Esc key. A Startup Menu with some of the following options appears. Depending on the model, not all of these options are available. ...
          -> Definitions of Menu Options
          • (F1) System Information
          • (F2) System Diagnostics
          • (F7) HP SpareKey
          • (F9) Boot Device Options
          • (F10) BIOS Setup
          • (F11) System Recovery for Consumer Notebooks
          • (F11) System Recovery for Business Notebooks
          • (F12) Network Boot (F12)
          What I jhs@ see:
          • (F1) System Information
          • (F2) System Diagnostics
          • (F9) Boot Device Options
          • (F10) BIOS Setup
          • (F11) System Recovery

        acpiconf -i0 and Power consumption

        Common whether Power line connected or disconnected:
        Design capacity:        57276 mWh
        Last full capacity:     55544 mWh
        Technology:             secondary (rechargeable)
        Design voltage:         11100 mV
        Capacity (warn):        5554 mWh
        Capacity (low):         0 mWh
        Low/warn granularity:   555 mWh
        Warn/full granularity:  555 mWh
        Model number:           5160
        Serial number:          Li4402A
        Type:                   Li
        OEM info:                Hewlett-Packard
        Remaining time:         unknown
        Present rate:           unknown
        Remaining capacity:     100%
        If Power line connected
        State:                  high
        Present voltage:        12458 mV
        If Power line disconnected, running on (full) battery
        State:                  discharging
        Present voltage:        12216 mV
        .. a minute or so later ...
        Present voltage:        12096 mV
        As "Present rate" is not shown (at least with present UEFI, though maybe after upgrade ? ), (unlike a 12" Acer TravelMate 6292 laptop analysed by mav@ ) I use an external power meter on power supply cable.

        After X Windows screen saver times out, power is 29.6 W, after moving mouse & screen coming on, power jumps to 36.4 W See other power notes in loader.conf


        • Bug

          halt -p just causes a reboot, not a power down. Possibly I have a BIOS option wrong, or maybe the BIOS upgrade will solve it.
        • Bug

          Windows key is to left of Alt, but functionality (at reboot, before any OS can map it) seems to be the other way round.
          Even page 14 of 94 of User Guide c01922186.pdf (label at base: "4 Chapter 2 Features") is confused: The picture represents my hardware. The HP text below (describing middle 2 of the 4 keys left of space bar) does not match the picture:
          (3) Windows logo key Displays the Windows Start menu.
          (4) Windows applications key Displays a shortcut menu for items beneath the cursor.


        Original small disk now external 
            fdisk /dev/da0
                ******* Working on device /dev/da0 *******
                parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
                cylinders=30401 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
                Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
                parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
                cylinders=30401 heads=255 sectors/track=63 (16065 blks/cyl)
                Media sector size is 512
                Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
                Information from DOS bootblock is:
                The data for partition 1 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 2048, size 407552 (199 Meg), flag 80 (active)
                        beg: cyl 0/ head 32/ sector 33;
                        end: cyl 25/ head 126/ sector 37
                The data for partition 2 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 409600, size 457328640 (223305 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 25/ head 126/ sector 38;
                        end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
                The data for partition 3 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 457738240, size 30445568 (14866 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63;
                        end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
                The data for partition 4 is:
                sysid 12 (0x0c),(DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT (LBA))
                    start 488183808, size 211312 (103 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63;
                        end: cyl 1023/ head 254/ sector 63
            See if slices are aligned: 255, 63
                F1 :    No  
                    2048 63 / p 32 63 * p 2016
                F2 :    No
                        409600 63 / p 6501 63 * p 409563
                F3 :    No
                    457738240 63 / p 7265686 63 * p 457738218
                F4 :    No
                    488183808  63 / p 7748949 63 * p 488183787
        New Big disk now internal, that only boots BSD so far:
            fdisk ad4
                ******* Working on device /dev/ad4 *******
                parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
                cylinders=1938021 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)
                Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
                parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
                cylinders=1938021 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)
                Media sector size is 512
                Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
                Information from DOS bootblock is:
                The data for partition 1 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 2048, size 407552 (199 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 0/ head 32/ sector 33;
                        end: cyl 25/ head 126/ sector 37
                The data for partition 2 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 409600, size 457328640 (223305 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 406/ head 5/ sector 38;
                        end: cyl 473/ head 6/ sector 22
                The data for partition 3 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                    start 457738240, size 30445568 (14866 Meg), flag 0
                        beg: cyl 473/ head 6/ sector 23;
                        end: cyl 981/ head 5/ sector 21
                The data for partition 4 is:
                sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
                    start 614399184, size 1339125984 (653870 Meg), flag 80 (active)
                        beg: cyl 243/ head 0/ sector 1;
                        end: cyl 612/ head 15/ sector 63
            See if slices are aligned:
                F1 : No
                    dc 2048 16 / 63 / p 2 16 * 63 * p 2016
                F2 : No
                    dc 409600 16 / 63 / p 406 16 * 63 * p 409248
                F3 : No
                    dc 457738240 16 / 63 / p 454105 16 * 63 * p 457737840
                F4 : YES
                    dc 614399184 63 / 16 / p 609523 16 * 63 * p 614399184
                Show big gap between end of F3 & F4:
                        2048 407552 457328640 30445568 + + + p 488183808
            Design a new layout to align everything:
                    dc 16 63 * p 1008 3 * p 3024
                F1  start  3024, old size 407552, new size 408240
                        407552 16 / 63 / p 404
                        405 16 63 * * p 408240
                        3024 + p 411264
                F2  start 411264, old size 457328640, new size 457329600
                    457328640 16 / 63 / p 453699
                    453700 16 63 * * p 457329600
                    457329600 411264 + p 457740864
                F3  start 457740864, old size 30445568, new size 30445632
                    30445568 63 / 16 / p 30203
                    30204 63 16 * * p 30445632
                    30445632 457740864 + p 488186496
                F4 as before, start 614399184, size 1339125984
            sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16; fdisk -u /dev/ad4; fdisk /dev/ad4
                ******* Working on device /dev/ad4 *******
                parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:
                cylinders=1938021 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)
                Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1
                parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:
                cylinders=1938021 heads=16 sectors/track=63 (1008 blks/cyl)
                Media sector size is 512
                Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1
                Information from DOS bootblock is:
                The data for partition 1 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                      start 3024, size 408240 (199 Meg), flag 0
                          beg: cyl 3/ head 0/ sector 1;
                          end: cyl 407/ head 15/ sector 63
                The data for partition 2 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                      start 411264, size 457329600 (223305 Meg), flag 0
                          beg: cyl 408/ head 0/ sector 1;
                          end: cyl 475/ head 15/ sector 63
                The data for partition 3 is:
                sysid 7 (0x07),(NTFS, OS/2 HPFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIX)
                      start 457740864, size 30445632 (14866 Meg), flag 0
                          beg: cyl 476/ head 0/ sector 1;
                          end: cyl 983/ head 15/ sector 63
                The data for partition 4 is:
                sysid 165 (0xa5),(FreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSD)
                      start 614399184, size 1339125984 (653870 Meg), flag 80 (active)
                          beg: cyl 243/ head 0/ sector 1;
                          end: cyl 612/ head 15/ sector 63
            reboot  # might not be necessary
        1st copy, forgetting to set an efficient block size:
            dd if=/dev/da0s1 of=/dev/ad4s1 bs=20m
                407552+0 records in 407552+0 records out
                208666624 bytes transferred in 4976.559259 secs (41930 bytes/sec)
            dd if=/dev/da0s2 of=/dev/ad4s2 bs=20m
                ^C2864616+0 records in 2864616+0 records out
                1466683392 bytes transferred in 31580.231599 secs (46443 bytes/sec)
        2nd copy with efficient block size:
            dd if=/dev/da0s1 of=/dev/ad4s1 bs=20m
                9+1 records in 9+1 records out
                208666624 bytes transferred in 246.145909 secs (847735 bytes/sec)
            dd if=/dev/da0s2 of=/dev/ad4s2 bs=20m
                ^C252+0 records in 252+0 records out
                5 284 823 040 bytes transferred in 6092.227616 secs (867470 bytes/sec)
            dd if=/dev/da0s2 of=/dev/ad4s2 bs=64k count=50
                50+0 records in 50+0 records out
                3276800 bytes transferred in 7.837235 secs (418107 bytes/sec)
                Kernel doesn't freak out on 20 M, (though it might be a choke later
            dd if=/dev/da0s3 of=/dev/ad4s3 bs=20m
        tail -f /var/log/messages
            ugen0.2: <01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123> at usbus0
            umass0: <01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 \
            012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567, \
            class 0/0, rev 2.10/1.00, addr 2> on usbus0
            umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x0000
            umass0:0:0:-1: Attached to scbus0
            da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus0 target 0 lun 0
            da0: <WDC WD25 00BEKT-60A25T1 02.0> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device 
            da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
            da0: 238475MB (488397168 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 30401C)
            GEOM: da0: partition 4 does not start on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 4 does not end on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 3 does not start on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 3 does not end on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 2 does not start on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 2 does not end on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 1 does not start on a track boundary.
            GEOM: da0: partition 1 does not end on a track boundary.

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