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GEA Logo GEA - German English Association
- Where Left half of British Union Jack flag + Right half of German Flag

Choices Abound

  • Many who join GEA activities on other days, have long since abandoned the Cellar for a variety of other Friday venues.
  • The concept of a singular GEA Stammtisch in the cellar, as core of the GEA, is for many, obsolete.
  • Most things are co-ordinated now by Mail lists
  • Beer Garden Group (All Year, Indoors, roving venues in winter).

    • Meet every Friday of the year, always somewhere different, Beer Gardens when weather permits, Restaurants/ Bars when not, all year. Aims for younger, more lively people, English speaking. Weekly venues by Mail List
  • The Cellar Group - Map & Location

    • Pretty much dead now, just a remnant in part symbiotic, part exploited by parasitic DMF+GEIST, also in decline.
    • GEA used to suggest people first drop by the cellar Stammtisch, hear what was on next week, & choose events to go to. That's obsolete for various reasons.
    • Newcomers who first visited cellar over years too often emailed they got a worse impression, than they would have, had they first attended other GEA events.
    • Many younger first timers wrote, saying the cellar was not attractive, so they wouldn't try other events.
    • Many now believe its better to first go to other GEA events, make some friends there, then perhaps try the cellar.
    • Individual opinions differ.
    • A remainder still meet in the cellar, even on a beautiful summer's evening.
    • Approx. 21:00 to 23:00.
    • More German speaking than it used to be.
    • Tends to be older people,
    • Intermittently can be venue of inter & intra club factional stress & new member poaching: talk to people in different groups in different parts of the cellar, to ensure you don't get nobbled by any one group or faction ;-)
    • Various groups & individuals have split from GEA &/or Friday fixed Stammtisch. Some visit multiple venues each Friday.
    • GEA abandoned cellar, then returned to uneasily cohabit with splinter group DMF/GEIST.
    • Some in returning GEA remainder, hijacked GEA information outlets & spread propaganda to stage a revolt, even some of the revolters since go to other venues !
  • Würmtal Stammtisch

    last Friday of each month, (started July 2001) Ristorante Grappa Brenner, Bahnhof-strasse, Gräfelfing Catherine Lodge
  • English East of the River

    (even weeks ) (Not on Friday I think, but convenient to list it on the Stammtisch section, most others of which are Fridays). With Manfred H. - 612 8700 / 0171 976 8310 or Ewan at 'Schinken-Peter', Perlacher Str. 53. Also Helgard O.
  • 5-Seen-Land Stammtisch

    1st Tuesday in month at Augustiner Wörthsee in Steinebach Evelyn Endler 08143.998682 (@ Aug 2001)
  • Toy Town

Cellar Map etc

NEW VENUE: Before November 2008

GEA is back in Arnulf Str 10 cellar (Rechthaler Hof (Pils Pub Sowiso, Ex Ex. Spaten Brau Hallen) PLZ=80335, ), Go have a beer, ask some if they'll stay, & why they left: before the end of the story you'll be dry & need another beer. Cheers !

NEW VENUE: August 2008

GEA Fixed Stammtisch : Change Of Venue: They've moved, & may again, Check the Monthly Programme for latest. At 29th Aug 2008 & for all of Sept:
Hungaria Gulasch Express Sonnen- Str 25

OLD VENUE: The all year fixed venue, "Summer In The Cellar"

Each Friday ~21:00 to ~23:00
Cellar, Rechthaler Hof, Arnulf Str. 10, Munich (Muenchen), Germany.
arnulf str

Opposite (North of) the Starnberger wing of the main railway station (Haupt-bahnhof).

Draught: Spaten Helles and Erdinger Weißbier.
(We moved back here 4th Sept 1998 after a couple of years at the Altes Kreuz).

Meet friends over a beer there, but eating there is not reccomended, or usual among GEA regulars. The Beer garden group is just the most regular of several other more occasional groups that eat elsewhere first, before going on to the Stammtisch for a drink.
( * `Stammtisch' translates from German as "Regular (Drinking) Table", but in our case, not really just a Table, we have taken over most of a whole bar each Friday night, for many years)

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