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News Index by date. News Items Ordered By Date
  • Old History: Old leopards don't change their spots:
    • 2 leading Revolters tried a power grab years back, then it was `just' the mail list & web they grabbed, now its the whole club they want to control, orchestrated by their web & mail list.
    • Way back, one antipodean revolter, now a pensioner, took a survey of opinions to try to get support for her idea, , got 2/3 majority Against her idea, so ignored her own poll, & typically pushed it through anyway: A change of club definition on the front page of programme, removing GEA description as a club "For young thinking people" & so aged the GEA faster than nature would have, encouraging more older less lively people to join.
  • Summer 2008 Onward
    committee numbers always shrink over each year, sometimes a lot before each new election:
    • A bit before 10 Sep 2008, committee was nominally: { Alexandra (present) Traudl (present) Birgit (present) Chris (present, resigned since) Christine (absent, resigned since) Malcolm (present, resigned since) Teresa (absent, resigned since) } Some resignations were apparently already anticipated from regular absentees, so to compensate, they co-opted (a frequent GEA mid year practice) Julian & designated him next Chair, after Chris left.
    • The committee was already under external attack, & has been continuously ever since, with several fractious issues. (Chronologically:
      • DMF/MK schism,
      • 3 Stammtisch moves,
      • If an expensive musician should be hired for Halloween
      • Guy Fawkes organiser threatened to dump event & equipment then ran event & refused to hand money income to Treasurer.
      • Communications from committee blocked by revolting censors;
      • Censors promoted fake reform on their censored GEA media, as a disguise for their 2nd power grab. (See Old leopards don't change their spots
      • Editor (already being considered for dismissal, who resigned first) issued an unauthorised January programme, with editorial promoting revolt, assisted by now fully revolting censors.
    • The trouble, especially from revolting censors increasingly trying to disrupt committee communication methods to the membership, deterred several other recruits the committee had approached to co-opt, who would have otherwise joined to help on the committee till the next elections.
    • Once revolters had helped disrupt committee recruitment, they then made their grab for power.
  • Sat 13th Dec 2008 PARTY
  • Editorial of January 2009 Monthly programme

    Some people recently tried to hijack the GEA: Funds diverted; committee postings blocked; Misinformation promoted via gea@yahoogroups & http://gea-muc & hijacked monthly programme, promoting an improper call to convene an EGM (that only GEA committee can call), to dump committee & constitution & snatch control of GEA shortly before annual elections (due in March).
    Communications being disrupted, we revert to the GEA's original & first ever web & mail list: gea-announce @@ mailman.berklix, Many more have recently joined, if you have not yet, try mailing gea-announce @@ gea-announce-subscribe @@ (or postmaster @@ mailman.berklix.... if you have problems).
    Early spring, the committee will arrange for annual elections. Subscribe now, to get not just uncensored event announcements, but also to ensure you are known as a member entitled to vote later. (Some may be more interested to check membership at next election).
    committee members welcome your event suggestions & volunteers to help run the GEA &/or its events both before &/or after elections.
    Later news:
  • Wednesday 7th January 2009
    The programme is now available in various formats including HTML to view on line & PDF now also in 2 single sides, for use with single sided printers, where you turn & reinsert paper.
  • Wed 14th Jan
    Warning, A false deceptive email is about:
    Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 14:26:14 +0100 To: GEA Mailinglist <gea@yahoogroups "An Extraordinary General Meeting of the GEA will be held on Friday, January 16th"
    No GEA EGM will take place.
    Only the GEA committee has constitutional authority to call an EGM = Extraordinary General Meeting & they have not done so. Check with your committee members: Individual phone numbers & direct email of GEA committee members are on GEA programme download-able at
    Collectively via:
    gea-committee @@ mailman.berklix
    (not via committee@gea-muc as all @gea-muc addresses are tap-able & block-able by revolters).
    The GEA January 2009 Programme Editorial is here:
    Friday 16th:
    Arnulf-Str Cellar stammtisch habituees will likely convene as usual, less some who may not want revolters' silliness, but numbers supplemented by some innocents conned into believing a fake GEA EGM. The fake EGM & will have no authority for GEA, Beware too the revolters' unauthorised green January programme, (where in advance of their fake EGM, the revolters already removed listing the GEA committee).

    It might be unpleasant in the cellar Friday, many GEA people have anyway long since given up regularly attending there. Other options include Ryan's muddy boot, already announced to Beer gardeners on bg @@ mailman.berklix & whatever toytown may offer. A few occasionally achieve all 3 venues in one night.
    The Revolters:
    Half the `reform' core trying to grab control of the GEA are pensioners, so with time free to run a campaign of misinformation & disruption. Most, if not all of the committee still work (me too, pressing business next), Revolters have created so much trouble for committee members, they deterred several normal GEA members who said they would otherwise have agreed to be co-opted to the committee to help share the work load. If undemocratic revolters depart & create some other club with some other name, they are at liberty to do so. Might both be sad but also good riddance, & least worst option.
    Annual elections are due in a couple of months now.
    Hopefully a strong new team will run for election to save the GEA. Candidates welcome to declare themselves as soon as they want.
    This list gea-announce @@ mailman.berklix is Not censored by any human,
    (but to block spam, only subscribers can post to it). Some who still only get GEA info from revolters who manipulate censored media outlets gea@yahoogroups & http://gea-muc are less informed, so more easily conned. You might want to warn them. If you forward this to a friend, the footer tells people how they can subscribe & unsubscribe automatically (ask me if you get stuck).
    Julian, GEA committee member.
  • Fri 16th Jan 2009 : Revolting censors & dupes fake an EGM
    • Fake Reformers
      The committee were asking themselves & other club members many similar questions the fake reformers (the censors in revolt) now promote their `solutions' for, but unlike the revolting, the committee was Not rushing to deliver all GEA control & communication to the `tender' mercies of un-elected censors & power grabbers. Were the revolting to manage to grab power, most likely the dupes would be discarded quickly, & the more tenacious later, those very few who would retain control is obvious.
    • Real Reform
      Please discuss your ideas with elected committee members (who are not averse to change) &/or promote your ideas, &/or run for election with your ideas in March, (Best Not join the revolting censors who want to grab power undemocratically.)
  • Thurs 22nd Jan 2009
    Hi GEA people on gea-announce @@,
    We really Welcome more lively events & organisers, particularly from younger lively native English speakers. Please send us any event ideas. The more unusual the better. If you & a friend fancy doing something anyway, why not also get it listed & get more company ?     gea-programme@
    Ref. My posting of 14 Jan, (preceeding Harald's of 21 Jan to his list,
    where he promoted outcome of his falsely convened EGM): Unlike pensioners leading revolt, most GEA committee are not retired, & no time to correct manipulations on media censored & controlled by Harald:Web, Sunny:Mail Ute:Programme. They stripped committee of communication, & spread disinformation. Their noise on @yahoo etc gets echoed as hearsay spread by dupes. Check the source: Ask direct whichever committee members you voted for in last March's annual elections. Contacts:     gea-committee@
  • Editorial of February 2009 Programme
    Choose events from 2 programmes: Old editor resigned 17th Sept, then joined the power grab. This editor was appointed by the committee 1st Dec. Communication (email, web & programme) disrupted between GEA membership & its elected committee, so getting event info in & out was difficult.

    The call for a fake EGM broke Constitution rule 12 (must be proposed at a quorate extra-ordinary committee meeting). Many were conned by propaganda: some nice reform ideas camouflaging the real power grab. Few asked committee members if GEA communications were hijacked, & democracy subverted.

    Annual elections are due in March. Committee look forward to retiring then. Power grabbers want No elections.

  • Next annual election of committee Members: March 2009, (Last year: 14.3.2008),
    • Feel free to ask your committee members (listed here ) for their views, &/or elections details when available, & or to advance discuss/ register as a candidate or voter etc.
  • Later
    More events to be merged in, for version 2 of programm. you can mail your events to gea-programme @@ mailman.berklix. org

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