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GEA - German English Association

GEA Logo
Left half of British Union Jack flag + Right half of German Flag
Klik für Ubersetzung

Munich Bavaria Germany


Which GEA ?

Though pensioners grabbed power & censor their mail list,
Some more lively events are on the Berklix mail lists eg bg@ & bg-chat@
From: Birgit Hoeft
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 20:32:46 +0100

Hi folks -
on the coming Wednesday (23rd) I will go Ice-Skating on the "Eislaufbahn Ost", Staudinger Straße 17. We (Frank and I) will meet at 7:45 pm downstairs in the U-Bahnstation Michaelibad and walk from there.
Join us!
Entrance fee: 3 EUR, skates can be lent for 3 or 3,50 EUR. In that case you have to leave your passport at the desk, to guarantee that you bring the skates back ;-).
We skate outside; there is no roof, but music and a bar where you can skate in.
Hope to see some of you!
Join announcement lists via the Robot, attend some events,
Chat to organisers, then maybe ask them to post to Organisers lists, that you too should be added to Organisers lists
so you too can then also announce events, instantly & uncensored:
(Only for Organisers lists, you may contact Julian)

German Elderly Association Subverted
German English Association

  • GEA was once For lively young thinking English speakers.
  • Now controlled by 3 power grabbing pensionerspensioners, (1 Australian & 2 German), who killed elective democracy & freedom of speech.
  • Media since censored & sometimes blocked & spun for years while they gained control.
  • Most younger English speaking professionals long gone.
  • More older, German & non professionals joined.
  • Weekly Stammtisch killed by militant German speaking old codger.
  • Less active more sedentary events. Many less bright (ie intelligent or lively) people.
  • Many clueless & care- less who don't know, care, or object to their club being suborned, censored, hijacked, & deliberately prematurely aged.

Escape Excess Baggage


English Book Libraries. Books

English Clubs, Info About Munich

Ex Pat International Sites

Maps & Weather

Non English Speaking Groups

Different GEA Sites By Different Authors
With Different Content

  • These pages are the GEA original pages, established maybe '96, & still maintained today, (though various previous committee members were deliberately left in ignorance by certain of their colleagues).

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