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CTMs for FreeBSD

This is
( &
& )

Pointed to by FreeBSD man ctm

by Julian Stacey


docs . freebsd . org / en / books / handbook / mirrors / #external-mirrors
"A.4.1. Introduction
As of December 2020, FreeBSD uses git as the primary version control system for storing all of FreeBSD's source code and documentation. Changes from the git repo on the stable/11, stable/12 and related releng branches are exported to the subversion repository. This export will continue through the life of these branches. From July 2012 to March 2021, FreeBSD used Subversion as the only version control system for storing all of FreeBSD's Ports Collection. As of April 2021, FreeBSD uses git as the only version control system for storing all of FreeBSD's Ports Collection.

Corrections Pending Integration @ 2019-09-14:

  • Although CTM's etymology from first authour was "Cvs Tree Mirror" that now misleads, per my "Code Through Mail" might best summarise it at 2018-12
  • CTM is now a means of delivering tree updates (Similar result to to rdist6 & rsync & mirror, though those rely on different functionality: end to end live pull using ports some firewalls etc may block, whereas CTM just pushes with SMTP, unlikely blocked)
  • Most trees we deliver with CTM are src-* releases, + 1 ports, + 1 SVN, but surely CTM could just as readily deliver a GIT tree as an SVN, as its already done for CVS too

Stop Press / Newest = Latest At Top

To Do:

Why Use CTM for Delivery Instead of SVN or GIT ?

  • ( CTM can also deliver you an SVN tree, so you can still use SVN locally.)
  • If you have a slow net connection aka limited bandwidth, or intermittent connectivity eg rarely reliably in one place long enough to complete an SVN update of whole trees. Or expensive data rates eg mobile tariffs.
  • If your corporate/ institutional firewall blocks you, but allows mail.
  • The patches are compressed, saving time & data transfer charges.
  • Imagine you'r travelling/ on holiday, you don't fancy paying heavy data charges tethering via your mobile phone, so stroll into a coffee shop with WLAN, or visit somewhere with an incomprehensible maybe foreign language documented fire walled WLAN, or if lucky encounter a town centre open WLAN (there's a few in central Munich), but you have nowhere to sit, no power socket, & you want it all downloaded as fast as possible, not blocked on unknown ports, no thinking on the hoof required, combined with mail pick up you know won't be blocked: CTM has it all rolled up ready for you. You don't even have to stand with no seat, consuming battery, applying all the deltas. CTM deltas can be applied later where you do have a seat & power supply.
  • Imagine you'r in an airport departure lounge, with WLAN, but may be called any time. So you just want those deltas downloaded Fast. You can apply them later, perhaps even on the plane/ train/ hotel with no net.
  • A unique reproducible trees with eg /usr/svn/.ctm_status, additional to the .svn status
  • Pre extracted trees for all versions of src & ports as well as SVN tree available via CTM delivery, so you can do local SVN searches, exports etc.
  • Suggestion: You may want to subscribe a different mail address for CTM delta reception, so you can first specify eg fetchmail fetches your human mail.)
  • Errors or Omissions ? Mail page author and/ or list

What Is CTM ?

Functions Of ,

  • Started by providing Deltas with public ftp access, (When decided to cease to host the master deltas sent from the generator site.
    (& thus we also lost all out mirror sites).
  • A set of CTM Generator Build Scripts & trees, ready to generate deltas were copied in case anything failed at Missouri build site.
  • ctm-src-12 mail list created on
  • 2019, The missouri master host died & production moved to

Traffic Load

  • Please do not overload There are no mirrors. If you want to offer a public mirror, please do, please contact contact host master or ctm-users@.
  • Please avoid heavy traffic during work days & business hours in Germany (winter time zone +01:00, summer +02:00). Time now At 2019-08 it's a lightly loaded host, but that may change, & I dont want to annoy the host.
  • There is no point regularly ftp'ing latest deltas from here, as a purpose of CTM is to provide Push technology, so you should be receiving distribution updates by ctm-* mail lists. If you want to regular fetch (which is Pull technology, not push) then you should not be using CTM, but be using SVN or Rsync direct form a mirror, nor from
    Just use ftp archives if you fail to receive a delta via ctm_rmail.


Full List of Delta Mail Lists & FTP Archives on &

Links supports by ctm command

Sites & People, newest first


Errors, Omissions, URLs dead, missing, or wrong ? Credits missing ? Please mail page author and/ or list

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System